There are many things that can cause use to lose minerals high sugar, acid blockers, sweating and soil depletion due to over use and chemicals we spray on the soil. This is why it is important for us to make sure we are getting enough minerals in our diet. Mineral are used for our metabolic activities, sleeping, muscle contraction, ligament strength, and even hormone production. Lets discuss and educate you on the different aspects of minerals.
"There are two kinds of minerals: macrominerals and trace minerals. You need larger amounts of macrominerals. They include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur." Why are minerals considered inorganic substances? – MVOrganizing
Then we have organic and inorganic minerals, one being alive and the other not. Nonorganic would be minerals produced by the earth in the form of crystals and rocks. Organic minerals would be from living plants that convert the minerals to a form we can absorb. This is truly the ideal way of putting minerals into the body. Plant based minerals have another aspect of being able to open up and digesting the minerals in the plant, cooking you can lose some of those minerals this is why soaking, sprouting, and fermenting plants, I would say, is the best way to prepare your plant foods to get to the minerals.
"An inorganic mineral is a material that has never been alive; it has not been bonded with carbon, and it could never bring life to a cell. Inorganic minerals cannot be used by a human or animal life form, but plants can use these materials." Why are minerals considered inorganic substances? – MVOrganizing Inorganic minerals such as colloidal have a hard time entering into cells, if your using an inorganic mineral it needs to be chelated to a protein to help drive the mineral into the body. We also need polyunsaturated fatty acids to drive minerals from blood stream to the tissue.
Another term for minerals is Colloidal and Crystalloid, Colloidal mineral has been altered and will no longer pass through cell walls. Crystalloid is a mineral or a salt, also a pure mineral substance. The difference is one of a molecular makeup. Colloidal are usually put with another substance to drive it into the body, such as a protein.
Minerals manage many functions in our body such as digestion, bowel movement, nervous system regulation. They help us to manage our stress and calm the body to sleep. They help with muscle contraction and relaxation as well. Many minerals need other minerals and vitamins to help it do to do its job. Calcium needs other minerals and vitamins like vitamin K, D, Fat, and Magnesium to name a few. Getting minerals through our meats and through plants are the great way to get them organically, as they have been converted by the carrier.
Eating whole foods is a great way of getting minerals, as when we eat whole food it has a complex of what is needed to absorb. Most supplements do not have a combination of everything needed, but give a high dose of one specific mineral. When doing a high dose of minerals from a supplement I would pay attention to if it is chelated and if it is coming from food. When you get into high dose minerals and vitamins this is when supplementing can get dangerous.
Foods with the high in minerals
Nuts and Seeds
Shell Fish
Cruciferous vegetables
Organ meats
Yogurt and cheese
Remember quality of foods and sourcing is important as chemicals can negatively impact how you digest and even rob you of the minerals.
If you have issues with bowels and have compaction and constipation your more then likely could have an issue with absorbing minerals. Your colon is where the minerals are absorbed. An abundance of carbs can be a reason for low magnesium as the body uses the magnesium to acidify colon to finish digesting excess carbs.
Other factors that impact minerals in the body
1. Soil Depletion — we need people doing crop rotation and soil supplementation through compost and other means, and of course growing your own garden you can work on the integrity of the soil. Not to mention, the animals we consume also need to be raised on good quality pastures with good soil conditions as well.
2. Antacids & Acid blockers — deplete calcium, Antacids/Acid Blockers contain aluminum hydroxide which prevents the absorption of calcium from the intestinal tract.
3. Low Stomach Acid/Hypochlorhydria — the body needs appropriate stomach acid in order to break down minerals, namely calcium. Also, low stomach acid can be a sign of low zinc because zinc is needed in the body to help produce stomach acid.
4. Cortisone — used for pain and inflammation can contribute to severe calcium loss with prolonged use. It also depletes potassium.
5. Pharmaceutical Drugs — all drugs deplete the body of of nutrients.
6. Birth Control Pills — deplete magnesium and zinc, along with other vitamins. They cause excess copper in the body, which can be toxic, this is why zinc becomes depleted as these two minerals are antagonistic to each other.
7. Coffee — calcium/magnesium are lost in our urine, It’s a diuretic. You will be losing potassium and sodium as well. The same goes for caffeine in general.
8. Alcohol — speeds up the excretion of magnesium through the kidneys. It can also deplete, calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, potassium and chromium.
9. Soda consumption — contains excess phosphorous which leads to reduced body storage of calcium because they compete for absorption in the intestines. Also causes potassium loss.
10. Sugar– for every molecule of sugar our bodies use 54 molecules of magnesium to process it. Insulin surges. Sugar also depletes magnesium, potassium and robs your bones of minerals in general. Increased losses of chromium through the urine.
11. Excess Insulin– causes calcium to be retained by the body through re-absorption by the kidneys.
12. Excess Estrogen — decreases calcium excretion. Same effects as birth control also apply.
13. Hyperthyroidism– causes increased calcium losses and increased calcium reabsorption from the bone. Creates the need for more magnesium. Often more copper is needed, along with iodine. Selenium plays a role in low thyroid hormone production
14. The Standard American Diet (S.A.D diet) — the typical diet of minimal fresh foods, higher amounts of refined and processed foods, foods grown on poor/depleted soils, excess phosphorous in these foods depletes calcium and has been shown to cause bone loss. Magnesium and chromium, (and all minerals really) are also lost in processing and due to poor soil.
15. Excess Grains– phytic acid binds with the minerals in the intestine and blocks absorption, causing them to be excreted unused.
16. Dietary Insufficiency — source of food, how it’s prepared, is it processed or whole real natural foods. And of course, was the food raised properly on mineral rich soils.
17. Heavy Metal Toxicity-
– Mercury — amalgam fillings, in certain fish, vaccines. Blocks magnesium and zinc. Mercury binds with magnesium and renders it void. Supplementing won’t be enough, must detoxify the metals. – Aluminum — Antacids/Anti-perspirants/Cosmetics — aluminum foil — aluminum penetrates the blood brain barrier and is very difficult to detoxify. Impedes the utilization of calcium/magnesium/phosphorous. Neutralizes pepsin. – Lead — binds with calcium and makes it unusable for the body.
18. Radiation – any type of electromagnetic (EMF) frequency has an effect on the bodies ability to absorb and assimilate minerals. Exposure to EMF on a daily basis can reduce certain minerals in the body by almost 15%.