Jun 21, 20223 min read
The brain, how sugar and fats impact the brain.
We discussed in last week's blog, that the brain is made up of mostly fat with some protein, minerals, and carbohydrates. So naturally...
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May 31, 20223 min read
Nutrition and Arthritis
Keeping in my that arthritis is stemming from toxicity, pH, balance, and digestion imbalance. The first and most important aspect will...
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Apr 27, 20222 min read
Adaptogens as Nutritional Support for Stress
Another great natural way to support the body through stress is with adaptogens. Everyone's stress is a bit different so the adaptogen...
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Apr 19, 20223 min read
Nutrition and habits that support the body every day or during high amounts of stress.
So we know that stress is different for everyone and most of us fight it daily. Our perception of our stressors and their harm to us can...
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Apr 12, 20222 min read
Stress impact on the nervous system
When we are constantly engaged in the fight or flight we engage the adrenal glands which then push out cortisol. Cortisol is what we get...
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Apr 5, 20223 min read
Stress impact on the body
Most of us look at things that impact the body and can logically sense what is good and bad. I constantly see people overdoing things or...
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Mar 29, 20222 min read
Proper supplement for true health change
Many people come to me and tell me they have tried so many things but they don't work. Natural and otherwise, they have worked with...
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Mar 22, 20223 min read
Brain and Nerves
Our brain is the master of your nervous system and controls most functions happening in the body. Some would argue that the actual 1st...
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Jan 4, 20223 min read
Digestion! Why is it the starting point for all your health/fitness goals?
Have big plans for this new year? Health? Weight? Create the perfect body? None of this can happen without good digestion. Weight...
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Dec 21, 20212 min read
Can nutrition impact autoimmune?
When it comes to autoimmune having proper nutrition and digestion is very important. To make sure vitamins and minerals are nourishing...
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Nov 16, 20213 min read
Body pH Balancing
Many supplements and foods have been sold based off this subject. We have been pushed to do Alkaline, Alkaline, Alkaline! Water ......
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Nov 2, 20212 min read
The benefits of Garlic
Garlic, many of us use it in our cooking for good flavor, but it is much more than just a good flavor. We love the taste but many worry...
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Oct 26, 20215 min read
Minerals, Why do I need them ?How do they impact my body?
There are many things that can cause use to lose minerals high sugar, acid blockers, sweating and soil depletion due to over use and...
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Sep 14, 20213 min read
Lung and Skin health
When it comes to lung health you are also need to be addressing nasal passage, skin, gut, and barrier health. Your mucosa lining in...
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