Jun 21, 20223 min read
The brain, how sugar and fats impact the brain.
We discussed in last week's blog, that the brain is made up of mostly fat with some protein, minerals, and carbohydrates. So naturally...
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Apr 5, 20223 min read
Stress impact on the body
Most of us look at things that impact the body and can logically sense what is good and bad. I constantly see people overdoing things or...
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Jan 25, 20223 min read
What does my food do for me?
I want to cover this because I believe this is one of the most fundamental obstacles people face when it comes to health. Many people...
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May 11, 20213 min read
Belly Fat
I often am asked how to rid the body of the "belly fat" which is a combination of subcutaneous fat and Visceral Fat. Subcutaneous fat...
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